Why Your Website Doesn’t Show Up in Search Engines

Why Your Website Doesn’t Show Up in Search Engines

Fewer visitors to your site implies fewer sales and revenue for your company. This is why large corporations and enterprise takes the input of SEO agencies and their SEO strategies seriously, because of its potential impact on the business. As a result, it’s critical for your website to aim to rank as high as possible in those search engine results! Here are some possible reasons why your website isn’t showing up!


If your site isn’t indexed by Google, it won’t appear in a user’s search and need local seo agency to optimize your site. The following are some of the reasons why your website might not be indexed:

1. Your website is in its infancy.

New websites and web pages take time for Google to discover. If you just published your site this morning, the most likely explanation is that Google hasn’t yet discovered it. Run a search for “site:yourwebsite.com” to see if Google is aware of your website’s existence.

If at least one result appears, Google is aware of your website. They don’t if there aren’t any outcomes. Learn more how to increase SEO juice for your website with internal linking.

Why Your Website Doesn't Show Up in Search Engines

Even if they are familiar with your website, they may not be aware of the page you are attempting to rank. Search for “site:yourwebsite.com/a-page-you-want-to-show-up-in-google/” to see if they’re aware of it.

There should only be one outcome. If neither of these searches yields any results what the best SEO agencies do is to generate a sitemap and upload it to Google Search Console. Doing so is good practice in any case.

Search Console > Sitemaps > Enter the URL for the sitemap > Submit

NOTE: Before you can do this, you’ll need to create a free Search Console account and add your website. A sitemap shows Google which pages on your site are significant and where they may be found. It can also help to speed up the process of discovery. If you find it difficult to work around these techniques, do yourself a favour to hand it into the safe hands of a professional SEO company. 

You can’t seem to find your sitemap? Go to yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml for more information. If nothing appears, go to yourwebsite.com/robots.txt, which frequently contains the sitemap URL.

Is there still nothing? It’s possible you don’t have one. An SEO agency or your web developer can help out to help you define one. 

2. You have a “noindex” tag in your HTML code 

If your site isn’t brand new, you can have a “noindex” tag in your HTML code. This code expressly states that Google should not index your website. Make sure your Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters accounts are authenticated so you can upload your website’s sitemap to allow search engines to index your site more quickly.

Why Your Website Doesn't Show Up in Search Engines

3. Your content isn’t optimized.

All SEO agencies and business who has interest in search engine ranking knows that the contents published on a website is really significant. You must do the following:

Define your keywords: You must conduct research and choose the keywords you want your company to rank for. You’ll need to strategically integrate them into your content once you’ve chosen them. When Google scans your site, it looks for keywords to help it define it and rank it for them. It’s also crucial not to overdo it. Overuse of keywords, sometimes known as “keyword stuffing,” can have a detrimental impact on your rankings.

Having enough copy: Google rewards sites with long copy in addition to quality content. According to a study, articles with 2,000 words or more rank higher in search engine results than those with less words. You can include more internal links, external connections, infographics, and optimized photos with more content, which will help your SEO rankings.

Important Point to Note: Google ranks single pages rather than entire websites. While it’s possible that you wish to rank your homepage for a specific keyword, you should focus on the amount of referring domains to that page rather than your entire site. Then, in Keywords Explorer, look for your desired keyword and scroll down to the SERP overview. The current top-ranking pages, as well as SEO analytics for each of them, are displayed there.

If your page is lacking, consider adding more backlinks.

Why Your Website Doesn't Show Up in Search Engines


The most unlikely cause of not appearing on Google is a Google penalty. It is, however, a possibility.

Google imposes two types of penalties:

  • Manual: When Google takes action to delete or demote your site from the search results, this is known as a manual action. It occurs when a Google employee performs a manual inspection of your website and discovers that it violates their Webmaster Guidelines.
  • When Google’s algorithm suppresses your website or a web page in the search results owing to quality flaws, this is referred to be algorithmic. It’s more of a matter of the computer saying no rather than a human saying no.

Note: Algorithmic sanctions, to be precise, are filters, not punishments. Fortunately, manual punishments are relatively uncommon. Unless you’ve done something particularly egregious, you’re unlikely to receive one. Google normally warns you about them in Search Console’s “Manual penalties” tab.

If you don’t see a warning, you presumably don’t have a manual punishment. Unfortunately, Google does not inform you whether your site is being filtered algorithmically, and detecting this can be difficult.

If you suspect an algorithmic penalty as a result of a recent big decline in organic traffic, the first thing you should do is see if the drop corresponded to a known or suspected Google algorithm update. Penguin is an excellent resource for this. It displays known algorithm change dates over your Google Analytics traffic, making it simple to identify problems.

If you’re still concerned that your site has been blocked or punished, consult an SEO agency before taking any potentially disastrous actions, such as disavowing links. Consulting a local SEO services might be of importance, because they understand what goes well within that geo-location. You can contact an Australia SEO company if you’re based in that region. 


It’s like playing a video game when it comes to ranking on Google. You’ll never win if you have technical issues like a faulty controller, no matter how hard you try. The same may be said for your website. Before you may play the game, you must first resolve serious technical issues such as rogue “noindex” meta tags and crawl blocks.

The next step is to figure out what level you’re playing at and how strong your opponents are. Because if your opponents are weak, certain levels are easy. Others are difficult to deal with because they are powerful.

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